Call Us @ +91 8092051349, +91 7070756888
Call Us @ +91 8092051349, +91 7070756888


Our school’s arts department is a vibrant and creative hub that fosters a deep appreciation for the arts among our students. Committed to nurturing and showcasing artistic talent, the department offers a diverse range of programs and resources, making it an integral part of our educational experience.

Our dedicated team of experienced and passionate art educators provides students with a nurturing environment to explore their artistic abilities. From painting and sculpture to digital media and graphic design, our curriculum is designed to cater to various artistic interests and talents. We encourage students to experiment, take risks, and express themselves through their chosen medium, fostering creativity and self-expression. The arts department is not limited to classroom instruction. It plays a vital role in our school community by organizing exhibitions, performances, and cultural events that celebrate the creative achievements of our students. These events offer students opportunities to showcase their talents and gain confidence in their artistic abilities, promoting a sense of pride and accomplishment.

Furthermore, our school’s commitment to the arts extends beyond the classroom and into the community. We engage in collaborative projects, outreach programs, and partnerships with local artists and organizations, providing students with real-world experiences and a deeper understanding of the role of art in society.